Arpit Bhardwaj

Arpit Bhardwaj

Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India
9K followers 500+ connections


I am an open-source evangelist, driven by an innate enthusiasm for technology.. I have a…



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  • Awsmo

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    Kharagpur, West Bengal, India

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    Kharagpur, West Bengal

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    Kharagpur, West Bengal, India

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    Kharagpur, West Bengal, India

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    Kharagpur, West Bengal, India

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    Kharagpur, West Bengal, India

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    Khargpur, West Bengal

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    Kharagpur, West Bengal, India

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    Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

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    Khargpur, West Bengal

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  • Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Graphic

    Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur


    Activities and Societies: Technology Coordinator (AY 2023-2024), Kharagpur Open Source Society, MetaKGP, Developer's Society, Kharagpur Blockchain Society

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Volunteer Experience

  • Student Welfare Group, IIT Kharagpur Graphic

    Student Mentor

    Student Welfare Group, IIT Kharagpur

    - Present 10 months

    Social Services

    As a student mentor, I meet regularly with four first-year juniors to guide them through the pivotal transition into college life. Knowing firsthand the academic and emotional hurdles facing students, I make themselves available as a trusted resource. We meet over coffee to discuss managing course loads, getting involved on campus, and maintaining mental health during this exciting yet demanding chapter. I nurture each mentee based on their unique needs and talents, offering advice to help them…

    As a student mentor, I meet regularly with four first-year juniors to guide them through the pivotal transition into college life. Knowing firsthand the academic and emotional hurdles facing students, I make themselves available as a trusted resource. We meet over coffee to discuss managing course loads, getting involved on campus, and maintaining mental health during this exciting yet demanding chapter. I nurture each mentee based on their unique needs and talents, offering advice to help them thrive inside and outside the classroom. My priority is empowering these students to unlock their potential as they navigate their college journeys. I aim to provide the invaluable supportive mentorship that was so key to my own development.
    My goal is to check in frequently, alleviate common stresses freshmen face, and instill the resilience and self-awareness needed to handle college and beyond. By paying forward guidance at this formative time, I hope to equip my mentees to eventually lead as capable, engaged citizens living meaningful lives.


  • IQPS | Intelligent Question Paper Search

    IQPS is a platform for searching and uploading previous year question papers for IIT Kharagpur students. The frontend is deployed at and the backend is hosted on a DigitalOcean droplet with 2GB RAM and a single CPU. See MetaPloy for the deployment architecture.

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  • Supply Chain Management System (Backend)


    RESTful API for the project named "Supply Cahin Management with Blockchain" under the course of "Information Systems Lab" at IIT Kharagpur for the 2nd semester of 2023-2024 session.Implemented:
    - User authentication
    - Endpoint authorization
    - Various APIs performing CRUD Operations for various assets based in Role based authentication.

  • fERP | Feedback ERP


    Automates the process of filling up feedback form in ERP for IIT KGP students

    fERP, stands for Feedback-ERP, is an automation extension that streamlines the process of providing feedback on the IIT Kharagpur ERP system to courses and professors.

    It offers three feedback types - positive, neutral & neutral - and two convenient modes to suit your preferences:

    Cascading Mode (Default):
    - Utilize the same feedback type, you chose, across all forms
    - Automatically fill and…

    Automates the process of filling up feedback form in ERP for IIT KGP students

    fERP, stands for Feedback-ERP, is an automation extension that streamlines the process of providing feedback on the IIT Kharagpur ERP system to courses and professors.

    It offers three feedback types - positive, neutral & neutral - and two convenient modes to suit your preferences:

    Cascading Mode (Default):
    - Utilize the same feedback type, you chose, across all forms
    - Automatically fill and submit the next form after previous form is submitted
    - Skip any forms you've already submitted, focusing only on the remaining ones

    Selective Mode:
    - Customize the feedback type for each individual form
    - Fill the captcha and submit the form (auto/manual) at your own pace
    - Choose the order in which you want to complete the forms

    Other subtle features:
    - The extension also has following subtle features, which are more likely to be ignored, but are tightly integrated into the extension with a lot of efforts.
    - Fills the captcha, submits the feedback form (in case of cascade mode - repeats, until all forms are submitted)
    - Automatically downloads the admit card after all the forms are submitted using cascade mode
    - Form can be submitted by pressing Enter key after typing captcha in manual mode
    - Re-fills the form with previously given feedback type, if wrong captcha was filled
    - Bypass confirmation pop-ups, which appear everytime a form is submitted
    - Invoking a feedback type randomises the choice of available options

    Simplify the tedious task of providing feedback on ERP just to get your end-sem admit card - with fERP. Its intuitive modes and time-saving features make it an indispensable tool for IIT Kharagpur students.

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  • On-Premise Server Architecture Configuration & Management


    - Configured Proxmox as a Type-1 Hypervisor, optimizing resources, and enhancing security, ensuring high availability
    - Implemented a fault-tolerant 3-layer architecture, efficiently handling DNS requests, microservices, & outgoing traffic
    - Deployed Nginx as the single entry point, accepting & forwarding DNS requests to the appropriate dockerized service
    - Efficiently orchestrated and managed multiple VMs running isolated dockerized microservices, ensuring scalability
    - Implemented…

    - Configured Proxmox as a Type-1 Hypervisor, optimizing resources, and enhancing security, ensuring high availability
    - Implemented a fault-tolerant 3-layer architecture, efficiently handling DNS requests, microservices, & outgoing traffic
    - Deployed Nginx as the single entry point, accepting & forwarding DNS requests to the appropriate dockerized service
    - Efficiently orchestrated and managed multiple VMs running isolated dockerized microservices, ensuring scalability
    - Implemented a dedicated gateway machine performing SNAT for routing and forwarding outbound requests securely
    - Implemented a robust custom CI/CD pipeline, managing authentication of requests through encrypted auth tokens

  • Technology Noticeboard


    This noticeboard displays important announcements about IIT Kharagpur's technical facilities and related events. It serves as a central location for the campus community to find up-to-date information on things like network downtime, maintenance schedules, ERP issues, general guidelines related to tech in IIT KGP and more.

  • ApnaInsti | LiveScoreboard


    - Developed official mobile app for IIT Kharagpur centralizing academic data, events & integrating exclusive features
    - Managed deployment on AWS EC2 with RDS & Docker, utilizing CodeDeploy & CodePipeline, scaling for 2000+ users
    - Built features: travel share & buy/sell portal; led a team developing Django REST backend & React Native frontend
    - Constructed the feature roadmap and oversaw the system design and UI design, driving the overall technical process
    - Implemented…

    - Developed official mobile app for IIT Kharagpur centralizing academic data, events & integrating exclusive features
    - Managed deployment on AWS EC2 with RDS & Docker, utilizing CodeDeploy & CodePipeline, scaling for 2000+ users
    - Built features: travel share & buy/sell portal; led a team developing Django REST backend & React Native frontend
    - Constructed the feature roadmap and oversaw the system design and UI design, driving the overall technical process
    - Implemented real-time ScoreBoard feature for GC using Go and WebSockets, deployed as microservices in Docker

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  • Aptos<>Metamask Snap


    - Secured overall first place consecutively for the third time in the InterIIT Tech Meet 12.0 as a team held by IIT Madras
    - Participated in 3 events as a developer in the team, working on backend, cloud systems architecture and blockchain
    - Developed novel applications using Metamask Snaps; patched bugs in aptos library to send requests from browser
    - Wrote smart contracts in Move and deployed them to Aptos Chain
    - Implemented Frontend in React.js for a video streaming, audio…

    - Secured overall first place consecutively for the third time in the InterIIT Tech Meet 12.0 as a team held by IIT Madras
    - Participated in 3 events as a developer in the team, working on backend, cloud systems architecture and blockchain
    - Developed novel applications using Metamask Snaps; patched bugs in aptos library to send requests from browser
    - Wrote smart contracts in Move and deployed them to Aptos Chain
    - Implemented Frontend in React.js for a video streaming, audio streaming and social media site
    - Also, implemented CI/CD automation for custom-built backends supporting two major events, enabling continuous delivery

  • GYFT | Get Your Freaking Time Table


    Fetches student timetable from ERP for IIT Kharagpur and adds it to user's Google Calendar or returns an ICS file which user can add in any common calendar application.

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  • MFTP | My Freaking Training & Placements


    MFTP is a Python-based service developed to send emails for every notification posted to the IIT Kharagpur Internship and Placement portal.
    The main goal of MFTP is to ensure students never miss critical notices or deadlines from potential recruiters by having each notification automatically emailed to them in real-time.
    It works by either running as a background service on Linux or via a scheduled cron job. It scrapes and monitors the IITKGP placement portal for new…

    MFTP is a Python-based service developed to send emails for every notification posted to the IIT Kharagpur Internship and Placement portal.
    The main goal of MFTP is to ensure students never miss critical notices or deadlines from potential recruiters by having each notification automatically emailed to them in real-time.
    It works by either running as a background service on Linux or via a scheduled cron job. It scrapes and monitors the IITKGP placement portal for new notifications.
    Whenever a new notice is posted, MFTP will immediately prepare an email with the notification content and send it out to the configured email list of students within 1 minute.
    For sending emails, MFTP can integrate with SMTP servers directly or use the Gmail API. Users can specify which email delivery method and credentials should be used.
    Emails are sent in a timely manner to help ensure no last minute placement opportunities or application deadlines are missed by students subscribed to the service.

  • ERP Login Module


    Eliminate repetitive login procedures in ERP at IIT KGP automation with iitkgp-erp-login. Exhaustive documentation ensures easy implementation. Get started at
    Why is this package such a game-changer, you may ask?
    - Login Process is a must in any ERP automation
    - Achieve the login workflow with 80% lesser lines than before
    - OTP Support, retrieves new OTP from the mail recieved
    - Every feature is optional to provide flexibility to the…

    Eliminate repetitive login procedures in ERP at IIT KGP automation with iitkgp-erp-login. Exhaustive documentation ensures easy implementation. Get started at
    Why is this package such a game-changer, you may ask?
    - Login Process is a must in any ERP automation
    - Achieve the login workflow with 80% lesser lines than before
    - OTP Support, retrieves new OTP from the mail recieved
    - Every feature is optional to provide flexibility to the developer
    No more wasting time on login procedures for our fellow ERP hackers; instead, they can dive straight into the tasks that matter most.

  • KOSS Certificate Generator


    It comprised of two parts:
    - KOSS POR: Generates bulk certificates for all kinds of POR holders in KOSS
    Uses a template in svg format, replacing variables from SVG file taking values from a CSV file.
    - KWoC Participation (Mentor/Students): Generates bulk certificates for all the participants in Kharagpur Winter of Code
    Uses a template in doc format, replacing variables from DOC file taking values from a CSV file. This CSV file is fetched automatically from the KWoC database…

    It comprised of two parts:
    - KOSS POR: Generates bulk certificates for all kinds of POR holders in KOSS
    Uses a template in svg format, replacing variables from SVG file taking values from a CSV file.
    - KWoC Participation (Mentor/Students): Generates bulk certificates for all the participants in Kharagpur Winter of Code
    Uses a template in doc format, replacing variables from DOC file taking values from a CSV file. This CSV file is fetched automatically from the KWoC database and automatically formatted in the required format.

    There exists a common part in which, all the certificates are pushed to a public repository using a github workflow. This public repository is bound with KOSS website, acting as a validation of the certificate.

  • Mailing System


    Implemented a mailing system for mailing purposes in KOSS. It comprised of the following:
    - Mailing List Generator
    - Mailing Scripts

    Mailing List Generator can take up a csv file of responses of forms submitted during any workshop; trim the csv to Name and Email columns then append the unique entries to already existing compiled list, if any. One just has to upload the csv response to a github repository; rest work is done by the github workflow.

    Mailing Scripts have the…

    Implemented a mailing system for mailing purposes in KOSS. It comprised of the following:
    - Mailing List Generator
    - Mailing Scripts

    Mailing List Generator can take up a csv file of responses of forms submitted during any workshop; trim the csv to Name and Email columns then append the unique entries to already existing compiled list, if any. One just has to upload the csv response to a github repository; rest work is done by the github workflow.

    Mailing Scripts have the capability to takes a template of email with two different kind of variables:
    - Unique for every receiver (provided in csv file)
    - Common for every receiver (provided through command line arguments)
    CSV files with entries of every user are provided through command line arguments. It has the features to send mails in TO, BCC and CC format.

  • Metahub


    Co-Maintaining and improving for the DC++ server for the students of Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, which is Asia's largest DC++ network. Also, hosting the MetaHub server for the whole campus currently.

    • Revamped MetaHub, a PtokaX-based Direct Connect (DC) Hub exclusive to the campus network, simplifying the configuration process
    • Meticulously identified and expertly resolved compilation errors in PtokaX, ensuring a successful build and seamless installation process…

    Co-Maintaining and improving for the DC++ server for the students of Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, which is Asia's largest DC++ network. Also, hosting the MetaHub server for the whole campus currently.

    • Revamped MetaHub, a PtokaX-based Direct Connect (DC) Hub exclusive to the campus network, simplifying the configuration process
    • Meticulously identified and expertly resolved compilation errors in PtokaX, ensuring a successful build and seamless installation process
    • Rectified a critical bug affecting the ban functionality, resolving issues with incorrect redirection & significantly improving server stability
    • Developed scripts to automate the setup, start, and stop processes of the PtokaX server, enhancing efficiency and ease of management
    • Implemented a script to monitor the status of the server, ensuring continuous operation & proactive monitoring for optimal performance
    • Successfully established a reliable system startup service for PtokaX, guaranteeing uninterrupted server availability & seamless operation
    • Extended the service to handle static IP configuration when the host device changes locations, improving network stability & accessibility

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  • Diet Optimisation


    This is the final project submitted for Operations Research Laboratory, Industrial & Systems Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.
    Here we have presented a Proof Of Concept method to optimize the menu of our mess using the Mixed Integer Programming model.It also gives multiple solutions based on the deviation specified from the Optimal Solution which can be treated as other close to optimal alternatives.

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  • IIT KGP Network Documentation


    Documenting network issues analysis and possible solutions on the campus of Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. It acts as a guide for freshmen joining the college for their basic questions and answers regarding the current state of network.

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  • pomodoro-cli


    Introducing a Pomodoro timer implemented in bash, designed to provide timer alerts on both Linux and MacOS platforms. In addition to its timer functionality, this tool allows users to block potentially distracting apps and services during work sessions, helping them stay focused and productive. Say goodbye to distractions and hello to increased efficiency with this all-in-one tool.

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  • code-runner


    Introducing a script that simplifies your coding process by compiling and running your code file seamlessly, while removing any unnecessary files generated during compilation. With support for multiple programming languages, this script eliminates the need to memorize different arguments for different compilers. Now, you can compile, execute and debug your code with a single command!

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  • gsync


    GSYNC is an essential tool for individuals seeking to synchronize their configuration files in real-time to GitHub. It constantly monitors designated directories and efficiently commits and pushes changes to the linked GitHub repository, along with well-managed log management. Additionally, it offers all the necessary capabilities to function as a regular *nix service.

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  • own-youtube


    YouTube has emerged as a primary source of distraction, causing us to waste time on binge-watching irrelevant content that may not be necessary. With this extension, you can remove all the elements that cause distraction, ensuring that you can stay focused on important tasks without being interrupted.

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  • whapc


    Previously, managing my profiles using a GUI tool required me to constantly connect and disconnect, switch between profiles, and handle interruptions such as incoming calls while listening to music. The process involved several commands and required frequent human interaction. With the implementation of this script, all the necessary functionalities have been streamlined and consolidated into a single tool. The execution of commands now requires minimal human interaction, making the entire…

    Previously, managing my profiles using a GUI tool required me to constantly connect and disconnect, switch between profiles, and handle interruptions such as incoming calls while listening to music. The process involved several commands and required frequent human interaction. With the implementation of this script, all the necessary functionalities have been streamlined and consolidated into a single tool. The execution of commands now requires minimal human interaction, making the entire process more efficient and user-friendly.

    See project
  • SPG - Sunflower Power Generator


    Our successful project that utilized Arduino UNO R3, servo motors, solar panels, photo resistors and an MPPT system. Our innovative design features a solar panel tracking system that rotates 360 degrees to ensure maximum sunlight exposure, minimizing power wastage and increasing efficiency. To further optimize power generation, we incorporated an electronic control mechanism that enables maximum power point tracking (MPPT) by regulating the panel voltage. This has the potential to generate a…

    Our successful project that utilized Arduino UNO R3, servo motors, solar panels, photo resistors and an MPPT system. Our innovative design features a solar panel tracking system that rotates 360 degrees to ensure maximum sunlight exposure, minimizing power wastage and increasing efficiency. To further optimize power generation, we incorporated an electronic control mechanism that enables maximum power point tracking (MPPT) by regulating the panel voltage. This has the potential to generate a significant amount of energy, which can be used for a variety of applications.

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Honors & Awards

  • InterIIT Tech Meet 12.0 | Contingent Gold

    Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

    - Secured overall first place consecutively for the third time in the InterIIT Tech Meet 12.0 as a team held by IIT Madras
    - Participated in 3 events as a developer in the team, working on backend, cloud systems architecture and blockchain
    - Developed novel applications using Metamask Snaps; patched bugs in aptos library to send requests from browser
    - Implemented CI/CD automation for custom-built backends supporting two major events, enabling continuous delivery

Test Scores

  • Joint Entrance Exam, Advanced

    Score: AIR 3884

    JEE Advanced is a prestigious engineering entrance exam in India that tests students' knowledge in physics, chemistry, and mathematics. Every year over 10 lac students write this exam, being 0.3% which means with my rank I was among the top 0.3% of the applying candidates


  • Hindi

    Professional working proficiency

  • English

    Professional working proficiency

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